The team

CHRISTINA LINDGREN: Main researcher and project leader.Christina Lindgren, professor in in Costume Design at Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHIO). She studied costume design at KHIO and Universität der Künste, Berlin (UdK Berlin). 

Since she startet at KHIO (Specialization Fashion and Costume Design) in 2013, she has initiated extensive cross-departmental collaborations, including the four-week biannual laboratory Clothes for Dance with professor in Choreography Anne Grete Eriksen including student from three departments.

As artistic director and producer of the performing arts company Babyopera she has created five performances that have performed at 200 venues in twelve European countries, the USA, Russia, South Korea and Rwanda. In all of the productions of Babyopera, the starting point has been the scenography and costumes and Lindgren is responsible for costume, scenography as well as for direction. Together with the performance artist Liv Kristin Holmberg, she leads the experimental multi-medial project Nattens Lys (The Light of the Night). Lindgren has designed costume and scenography for 50 productions of all genres. She has curated the Norwegian contribution to the National Section of Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space (PQ) in 2011, 2015 and 2019. 

SODJA LOTKER: Main researcher. Sodja Zupanc Lotker is the course leader of MA in Directing Devised and Object theatre at Prague Performing Arts Academy (DAMU). 

She was artistic director of PQ from 2008 till 2015, where she curated series of living exhibitions in public spaces, including the exhibition Tribes. The tribes included 83 projects from over 60 countries and consisted of groups of minimum four persons dressed similarly, walking through the streets of Prague. 

Lotker has given lectures at Columbia University, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama and Yale. Sodja Lotkers is a dramaturge, with a special interest for scenography and costume design. 

SALLY DEAN: PhD Fellow in Costume Design at Oslo National Academy of the Arts. Sally Dean is a dancer, choreographer and designer. She will be connected to Costume Agency through the periode.

YUKA OYAMA: Curator and organizer of the Critical Costume exhibition. Yuka Oyama is at researcher and coordinator, with a main responsibility for organizing the exhibition. Yuka Oyamawas artistic research fellow at KHIO, Arts and Craft Department in the period 2013 – 2017, researching wearable object and their agency. https://www.yukaoyama.comS

The Reference Group: 

THEODOR BARTH: Theo Barth Design Department, KHIO.

MIKKEL B. TIN: Professor of Traditional Arts Telemark University College.  Tin offers perspectives relating to phenomenology, aesthetics and embodied knowledge.

KNUT OVE ARTNZEN: Professor at Theatre and Performance studies at Bergen University, is an expert in contemporary theatre and visual dramaturgy.

TROND LOSSIUS:  Composer, sound- and installation artist and specialist in Artistic Research, offers perspective on artistic research.

CAMILLA SVINGEN: Conference Manager for Costume Agency Festival and Critical Costume Conference 2020.

Institutional partners

Prague Academy of Performing Arts (DAMU).Master in Devised and Object Theatre lead by Sodja Lotker. 

Aalto University, Helsinki.Master i Costume Design led by Professor Sofia Pantouvaki. Pantouvaki leads the research project in costume design entitled Costume Methodologies. She is a member of the Critical Costume network and editor of the journal for research costume; Studies in Costume and Performance

London College of Fashion, London. Donatella Barbieri and her research fellows will be part of the research.

Theatre Studies, University of Bergen, led by professor Knut Ove Arntzen. The students will join the Costume Agency Festival 2020 and Critical Costume Conference and Exhibition 2020. 

April 25, 2019
Written by christinasodja

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