The publication
The brief was to produce an unpretentious but carefully crafted book that would summarise a several-year research project on the role of costume in contemporary theatre, led by Christina Lindgren and Sodja Lotker. The book both documents and reflects on the eight workshops held in different European cities, and adds a broader context to the project in several essays.
The book can be ordered here:
Costume Agency
Contributions by: Rachel Hann, Knut Ove Arntzen, Mikkel B.Tin, Sodja Lotker, Christina Lindgren, Linnea Bågander, Fausto Viana, Signe Becker, Fridtjof Brevig, Sally E. Dean, Katri Nikkola, María Vidal, Jasmine Xie, Fredrik Floen, Charlotte Østergaard, Zofia Jakubiec, Snezana Pesic, Natálie Rajnišová, Jitka Pospíšilová, Berit Haltvik With, Jenny Hilmo Teig, Lotta Barlach, Thale Kvam Olsen, Kristine Roald Sandøy, Vidmina Stasiulyte and Tormod Lindgren.
EdiIted by Marta Ljubková, Christina Lindgren, Sodja Lotker
Proofreading Megan Bedell (AZ Translations)
Graphic Design by Filip Blažek, Designiq
Printed By H. R. G. spol. s r. o.
Edition 300
Publisher: Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo / Oslo National Academy of the Art 2023
ISBN 978-82-7038-424-2

Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo
Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Tel: (+47) 22 99 55 00