Costume Agency will be/ has been presented and discussed in the following contexts:
2024 January: Stockholm University of the Arts
2023 June: Prague, Czech Republic: Public presentation at the Prague Quadrennial, PQ Talk
2023 June: Prague, Czech Republic: Book launch at the Prague Quadrennial, PQ Talk
2022 November: Online. Critical Costume 2022 Conference and Exhibition: Presentation of findings
2022 October: Stavanger, Norway: Presentation at Norwegian Artistic Research Forum
2022 February: Lillestrøm, Norway: Presentation for CREO, The Association of Norwegian Scenographers, costume designers, puppet designers, mask/ peruke designers, video-, sound- and light designers.
2022 January: KHIO: Presentation at the Artistic Research Week
2021 January: KHIO: Presentation at the Artistic Research Week
2021 January: Aalto Arts University, Helsinki, Finland: Public presentation of the project
2020 August: Online. Critical Costume 2020 Conference and Exhibition, including launching the webpage, including a presentation of Costume Agency Artistic Research.
2020 April: Journal Norwegian Shakespeare Tidsskrift: Interview with Sodja Lotker and Christina Lindgren by Jonas Øren
2020 March: KHIO: Presentation on the webpage of KHIO
2020 March: KHIO: Presentation for the students of Design department
2020 February: University of Bergen, Norway: Presentation for the master students of theatre science
2020 January: KHIO: Presentation and workshop at Artistic Research Week
2019 November: KHIO: Presentation for colleagues at Design Department
2019 September: Lillehammer, Norway: Presentation at Norwegian Artistic Research Forum
2019 September: University of Surrey, UK: Critical Costume 2018 Conference and Exhibition
2019 June: Prague, Czech Republic: Public presentation at the Costume Design commission of OISTAT
2019 June: Prague, Czech Republic: Public presentation at the Prague Quadrennial PQ Talk
2019 March: Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHIO): Annual report
March 18th 2020: Update on the current situation in relation to the corona virus
Due to the situation of the Covid 19 virus and considering that Critical Costume 2020 is five months away, the team of Costume Agency and Critical Costume have decided to wait for another month following how the situation will evolve before making any changes to the plans for the event. At this point it seems that the situation is fluid so any attempt to plan in the long term is still unclear. The team will continue working on the preparation of the event towards the planned dates.
On April 15th we expect to have a clearer picture and we will publish updates regarding whether the event will need to be postponed.
Please follow the websites of and
Meanwhile, we encourage the selected conference speakers to further develop their papers and the workshop participants to develop their plans for the workshops with the dancers/actors.
For persons that need a confirmation of participation in order to apply for support to travel or in order to apply for visa, we will process these consecutively. Please contact us regarding this.
For questions, please contact us at
February 2020: Notice regarding applications for Critical Costume Conference, Exhibition and Workshop:
We have received a large number of proposals for all events, so we have a delay. If not before, then by Wednesday March 4th, all applicants will receive a reply from us. If this causes problems for you, please let us know! We apologize for this delay!
January 23rd 2020: Presentation + workshop at Artistic Research Week at Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Oslo, Norway. By Christina Lindgren and Sally E. Dean
September 24th 2019: Presentation at Artistic Research Forum at Lillehammer University, Norway. By Sodja Lotker and Christina Lindgren
June 6th till 16th 2019: Sodja Lotker and Christina Lindgren are present on Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Architecture
June 8th 2020 from 10.00 till 13.30 at PQ Talk: Sodja Lotker and Christina Lindgren will present Costume Agency Research Project
What costume Can Do and Be (Panel Discussion – 60 min)
Rosane Muniz (artist, curator), Sodja Lotker (Prague Performing Arts Academy), Christina Lindgren (Oslo National Academy of the Arts), Arianne Vitale Cardoso (University of São Paulo)
“What costume design can do and be” is a very simple provocation to deepen the conversation about what we can create in the costume design field. The projects ‘Costume Agency’ (by Sodja Lotker and Christina Lindgren), ‘Costume in Action’ (by Ariane Vitale) and ‘Designers on the Edge’ (by Rosane Muniz) have been developed in the last years and they explore “how costume performs”.
At Krizik pavilion E, Industrial Palace,
Výstaviště, 170 00 Praha 7-Bubeneč, Czeck Republik
Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo
Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Tel: (+47) 22 99 55 00